Pinnacle Awards
View the 2024 Pinnacle Award Winners
About the Awards
Join natural stone professionals from around the world in entering the Pinnacle Awards competition. These highly coveted awards are given to projects whose beauty, creativity, ingenuity, and craftsmanship exemplify professional mastery in the use of natural stone in commercial and residential applications. As a Pinnacle Award winner, you will receive widespread recognition for your professional accomplishments.
Grande Pinnacle Award
The Grande Pinnacle Award, sponsored by Marmomac, is presented to the jury's choice as the best project across all categories. The award also entitles the member company winner to round-trip economy airfare, lodging, and registration to Marmomac in September.
Additionally, Marmomac will present a Grande Pinnacle Award to the architect from the firm involved in the winning project. The architect will also win a trip to Marmomac to attend Veronafiere's week-long continuing education program on designing with natural stone. The winner receives round-trip economy airfare and complimentary hotel for five nights, as well as local meals and transportation, while taking part in this 20+ credit AIA/CES program.
The Pinnacle Awards are open to all Natural Stone Institute members. We encourage entrants to invite any other Natural Stone Institute members from the project team to also enter. Any additional Natural Stone Institute member company involved in a project must have also submitted an entry for the winning project in order to also receive the award. All member participants identified to us in a winning submission, regardless of their entry status, will receive promotional recognition for their involvement. Projects submitted must have been completed within 3 years of entry deadline and comply with association standards as defined in the Dimension Stone Design Manual and technical modules. Entrants should submit with the expectation to attend the Awards Celebration in StonExpo.
NEW! Every Pinnacle Award submission is now eligible to simultaneously enter for Tucker Design Award consideration. Simply select each desired award from the entry form drop down list and pay the fees.
If a Pinnacle Award submission is selected for a Tucker Design Award, this award is given to the primary Design Team. Please note, it is possible that a Pinnacle Award entry submitted for both awards programs can win both awards, or just one. Encourage collaboration with the design team for joint program entries.
Projects may be submitted for Pinnacle Award consideration in the following categories.
- Commercial Interior
- Commercial Exterior
- Renovation/Restoration
- Residential Interior/Exterior – Single Family
- Residential Interior/Exterior – Multi-Family
- Architectural Carving/Lettering/Sculpture
- Public Landscapes/Parks/Memorials
- Kitchens/Baths
$125 for first entry
$100 for each additional entry
How to Enter
- Entry and submission are electronic.
- Ideally, the Jury Review PDF and Participant List should be prepared before entering to ensure a complete submission. You will be asked to send these files as part of the submission process. After payment, please email your files to
- No company identification, architect name, or proprietary product names should appear on any items contained within the Jury Review PDF. Be generic and anonymous.
- Be certain that you have absolute permission to enter the project and to publish photos of the project if selected.
Submission deadline is June 20.
ENTER NOW Submission Guidelines Submission Checklist
Jury Review PDF Sample Photo Release Form
A jury comprised of industry professionals and members of the design community will review and judge each project based on four criteria:
- excellence in implementation of design
- quality craftsmanship
- innovative solutions to unique challenges
- control of stone material, tone, and character quality.
The same jury will simultaneously consider dually entered projects for achievement of design excellence for its incorporation and use of natural stone. In those instances, the project’s primary design team will be given a Tucker Design Award.
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