Natural Stone Sustainability Standard

Natural stone is an easy solution to many green building goals. It is nearly complete as a building material in its natural state as mother nature does most of the manufacturing. It is a single-ingredient natural material that emits no VOCs. Its durability allows stone to perform impeccably in commercial & residential applications, interior or exterior.


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Sustainability Resources

Access published documents and reports supporting natural stone’s alignment with green building practices. LEARN MORE


Embodied Carbon & Natural Stone

Using healthier building materials with minimal amounts of processing will reduce the embodied carbon of building projects. LEARN MORE


Responsible Manufacturing

Natural stone quarriers and fabricators are encouraged to review these best practices to improve their own performance ahead of going through the certification process. LEARN MORE


What Makes Natural Stone Sustainable?

Explore the metrics used to define sustainable production in the dimension stone industry including energy/carbon, land impacts, ingredient transparency, and social responsibility. LEARN MORE


LEED Credits

Learn details for obtaining LEED, and other green building scheme, credits for natural stone along with other ways to specify responsible stone sourcing in your projects. LEARN MORE


Join the Sustainability Cause

Learn how your quarry, fabrication shop, or distribution facility can align with the green building movement. LEARN MORE

Use Natural Stone

Genuine. Versatile. Unique. Durable. Sustainable. Easy to Maintain.