North American Quarry Advocacy Group




Provide a platform for North American quarry members to engage and network with other quarriers and provide feedback on key initiatives and programming of the Natural Stone Institute.


Key Focus

  • Increase engagement. Provide Quarriers with more opportunities to be engaged and active within the association.
  • Tell the story. Develop content and tools for the entire industry to tell the story of how we quarry and fabricate natural stone. Document and communicate comparative data on natural stone’s carbon footprint, life cycle cost, and embodied energy to support industry members and document our industry’s sustainability journey.
  • Be inclusive. Ensure quarriers know that they are an integral part of our association and have a platform to share and communicate their needs.
  • Expand outreach. Increase education and promotional opportunities for quarriers to share with distributors and the A&D community.
  • Natural Stone Pavilion. Explore ways to expand the presence of North American stone producers in the Natural Stone Pavilion at the annual TISE conference.



Steering Committee:

Reid Kubesh, Coldspring
Bernard Buster, Lyons Sandstone
Eric Chaloux, Miles Supply
Patrick Wells, Majestic Stone
Peter Prvulovic, Vermont Quarries
Ralph Morgan
Greg Osterhout, Northern Stone Supply & TexaStone Quarries
Reid Johnston, Rademann Stone & Landscape
Roxanne Mirch, Tompkins Bluestone

Work Group Members:

Camden Mueller, Cochise Marble
Darrell Petit, Stony Creek Quarry
Hayden Mayfield, Polycor
Vanessa Cobb, US Stone Industries


Board Liaison:

Darrell Petit, Stony Creek Quarry


Sponsorship Opportunities

NAQAG Sponsors:



Vermont Quarries




To learn more about NAQAG sponsorship opportunities, contact Dacia Woodworth.


Join the Group

Join the North American Quarry Advocacy Group to receive communications about the group’s progress and advance notice for virtual or in-person meetings.

JOIN NOW      



The North American Quarry Advocacy Group was established in 2021 after the National Building Granite Quarries Association (NBGQA) merged with the Natural Stone Institute.


Use Natural Stone

Genuine. Versatile. Unique. Durable. Sustainable. Easy to Maintain.