Natural Stone Foundation Grants
The Natural Stone Foundation is pleased to offer grants to individuals and organizations to further the advancement of the natural stone industry. The Foundation is helping the industry thrive by increasing natural stone’s market share and ensuring that it is a preferred material in the built environment. To serve the natural stone industry, the Foundation is underwriting programs, initiatives, and services that are important to industry stakeholders.
Grants are awarded to applicants based on need and/or the Foundation’s selection criteria. The Natural Stone Foundation Board of Directors is solely responsible for all decisions regarding the allocation of the Natural Stone Foundation grants and reserves the right to accept or reject any application.
To begin the process for a funding request, please complete the preliminary form below. Upon completion, you will be sent additional instructions and information. To be considered for funding, requests should be submitted at least three months prior to the project or program’s implementation/start date.
Click Here to Submit a Funding Request

The Foundation recognizes that employee training and professional development are critical to strengthening and expanding the stone industry. Our education grantmaking and scholarships will underscore the importance of accessing quality learning opportunities and supporting initiatives that further career opportunities and strengthen workforce development. Eligible projects may include the development and delivery of new industry-related educational programs and/or scholarships for existing programs.

Natural Stone Promotion
The Foundation will support programs advocating and promoting the use of natural stone and raising awareness of the product in the built environment. These programs may include industry and/or consumer marketing campaigns using social media, digital, print, or other communication channels.

The Foundation will support projects that address the development of unified standards for the use of natural stone materials and/or that highlight the environmental performance of natural stone. Projects may include research, material performance testing, and development of nomenclature.
Note: The Foundation does not fund requests or provide resources for humanitarian programs and causes, disaster relief, or political campaigns. Grants will be awarded to non-profit organizations as for-profit organizations are not eligible for funding.
For more information or for additional assistance, please contact Nick Dorsey at or (440) 250-9222.