Tucker Design Awards
The 2024 Tucker Design Awards and Bybee Prize were presented on Monday, August 26, 2024 in Salt Lake City, Utah as part of the Natural Stone Institute Study Tour.
View the 2024 Tucker Design Award Winners

About the Awards
Initiated in 1977, the Tucker Design Awards are recognized as one of the most prestigious architectural design awards in the country. Tucker Design Awards honor those who have achieved excellence in design through the incorporation and use of natural stone in building or landscape projects. Click here for the history of the Tucker Design Awards.
The next Tucker Design Awards Call for Entries will open in early 2025. Submissions will be due by June 20, 2025 and awards will be presented during the Natural Stone Institute Awards Ceremony on January 28, 2026 at StonExpo in Las Vegas. Entries should be submitted with the intention of attending the awards program to accept in person.
The Tucker Design Awards celebrate and award design professionals whose projects achieve excellence in the use of natural stone in design and construction. Open to any design professional or industry member on behalf of the design team.
Beginning with 2025 entries, Tucker Design Awards will now be presented annually.
Each project must include at least one Natural Stone Institute member company.
Each project entry must now designate one of the following project categories:
Commercial Interior
Commercial Exterior
Residential Interior/Exterior – Single Family
Residential Interior/Exterior – Multi-Family
Architectural Carving/Lettering/Sculpture
Public Landscapes/Parks/Memorials
$125 for first entry
$100 for each additional entry
How to Enter
Submission Guidelines Jury Review PDF Sample 1 Jury Review PDF Sample 2
- Entry and submission are electronic.
- Ideally, the Jury Review PDF and Participant List should be prepared before entering to ensure a complete submission. You will be asked to send these files as part of the submission process. After payment, please email your files to susan@naturalstoneinstitute.org
- No company identification, architect name, or proprietary product names should appear on any items contained within the Jury Review PDF. Be generic and anonymous.
- Be certain that you have absolute permission to enter the project and to publish photos of the project if selected.
- Submission deadline is June 20.
Tucker Design Award entries will be judged by the same jury reviewing our Pinnacle Award submissions. This jury, comprised of industry professionals and members of the design community, will review and judge each Tucker Design Award entry based loosely on the Pinnacle Award criteria, but mainly focusing on how natural stone was incorporated into the project’s design. Excellence in implementation of the design and innovative solutions to unique challenges are also considered.